BB-6 goes to Antarctica!

The first build of the Beacon Blaster 6 transmitters is being deployed, and I am very excited to announce that one of these is on the way to the remote Neumayer Station III in Antarctica.

Some of the researchers there are radio amateurs and have been operating from this remote location using WSPR and other modes. The BB-6 will provide FST4W capability, and the frequency stability and “spreading” resolution of this mode (and this polar location) will greatly enhance the ability to study ionospheric propagation. Neumayer Station III operates under the callsign DP0GVN.

Neumayer Station III is operated by the Alfred Wegener institute, which is a center for polar and marine research, with particular focus on the cold and temperate regions of the world.

DE: Neumayer Station III in Polar Nacht. EN: Neumayer Station III in polar night.

The Alfred Wegener institute is not limited to this one Antarctic base — for more information please see:

Of particular amateur radio interest, the Alfred Wegener institute ship Polarstern was very recently operating in the vicinity of the North Pole, and has been transmitting WSPR, call sign DP0POL:

Evolution of the Beacon Blaster 6

The photo below shows the evolution of the BB-6 from proto #1 (bottom) to the final design (top):

The top unit uses the full-size label (created on Steve’s large-format printer), and the faceplate as carved by my CNC mill. I am now in the process of assembling a few more Beacon Blaster 6 units, and should have them ready to go within a week.

Yet Another Filter: Seven Band Combiner

While the four-channel filter-combiner is a practical accessory for the Beacon Blaster 6, it is becoming obvious that another filter-combiner will be useful. The 4-channel unit uses standard surface-mount inductors, and the inductor Q and current specs mean that for low-loss the filters need to be fairly wide, spaced at least one octave apart.

But if you have an antenna capable of working on more bands (such as the Hy-Gain AV-680), a combiner with more channels would be nice. So, here is the Seven-Band Filter-Combiner:

This design uses custom-wound toroid core inductors, which allows much narrower low-loss filters. The board is designed to allow the inclusion of a third-harmonic notch for each channel, but the narrower filter bandwidth provides better than -40dB attenuation of all harmonics so the notch will likely not be needed.

Here is the 10 MHz filter with and without the notch:

This plot shows the 7-band filter response without the notch:

This board has been sent out for fab and assembly, once it shows up I will wind and solder the toroids (and connectors), and find out of reality matches my simulations. My track record in this regard has been pretty good, so I am optimistic.

This will be a more expensive filter than the 4-channel one — hand-wound toroids are quite labor-intensive. But if it eliminates the need for a second antenna…

Test Results: Shelving / Low-Pass Filter

The assembled Shelving/LPF boards were delivered yesterday, and the “missing” inductor was delivered today (one inductor was not in stock at JLCPCB so I had then assemble it without that one part; I ordered that inductor from DigiKey). Amazingly fast service from JLCPCB! So I soldered on that inductor and the SMA connectors and did some testing:

This board has options where the shelving filter can be bypassed, so I tried that first. The results were much better than I had expected:

This essentially matches the performance of the LTSpice simulation (which used the Coilcraft inductor models, not the similar Murata inductors on the board. This shows a reasonably sharp rolloff with better than 60dB stopband attenuation. I am seeing no obvious inter-stage coupling (which can be a concern when using unshielded solenoid inductors.)

Here is a closer look at the roll-off performance. The loss at 1MHz is essentially zero, while the -3dB point is about 28 MHz. We may want to push this corner frequency a bit higher…

There are some spurious responses above 240 MHz. I suspect that these won’t be a problem because the SDRs that will be using these filters will already have an anti-aliasing filter that should adequately knock down these frequencies. I could guess that these come from inter-stage trace inductance, but that’s just a guess:

With the shelfing filters in place, the low-frequency attenuation is about 20dB:

There is also extra attenuation above 25 MHz, which suggests that we shift the shelving mid-point frequency slightly lower to reduce higher-frequency attenuation.

In conclusion, I am quite pleased with the overall design and layout of this board. Tweaking the frequencies (if necessary) will be trivial.

Filters, Filters, and More Filters

When writing software loses its appeal I take a break and do something concrete — hardware design. Here are some recent filter designs:

Four-Band Filter/Combiner:

This is used to combine the 1W square-wave outputs of the BeaconBlaster, filtering out the bad harmonics and combining all four inputs into one output which will feed a multiband antenna. We wanted to make this unit with off-the-shelf surface-mount components, so we needed to design fairly wide filters, no closer than one octave apart or there would be excessive interaction between sections. The filter topology also needed to show a high off-channel impedance, again to avoid interactions. Available inductors limited the design to 1W power on each port, with less than 1dB of loss.

The image below shows a simulation of the 60/30/15/6-meter version of this filter. Note that each filter has a deep 3rd harmonic notch.

And here is the spectrum of the 80/40/20/10-meter filter, being driven by the BeaconBlaster (using a 20 dB attenuator, actual power levels about 1W per channel). You can see the 80 meter 3rd harmonic at -40dBc:

A Shelving / Low-Pass Filter

This board combines a two-stage 10 MHz shelving filter, and a steep four-section 30 MHz elliptic low-pass filter.  This is intended to go between an antenna and a SDR having a sample rate of 66 MHz.  The shelving filter attenuates the low-frequency signals (where SDR overload is typically a problem), and the LPF is for additional anti-aliasing.  The “ideal” design promises 70dB stopband attenuation, simulations show better than 60dB with available surface-mount inductors, and if I get at least 50dB then I will consider it a success.

Boards should be ready for testing in a couple of weeks.

This is being developed in collaboration with some folks who are running multiband receiver sites, including WebSDR and ionosphere research installations. In particular I should acknowledge the advice and contributions of Clint Turner (KA7OEI). The shelving filter was stolen directly from his website:

BeaconBlaster Progress

While waiting for more chassis to arrive I’ve been testing the first two prototypes and the results are excellent. Prototype #1 has been running in Friday Harbor for a few weeks, using the filter/combiners to feed two antennas. Both antennas are Off-Center-Feed dipoles (which provide good matching on octave-spaced bands, rather than the third-harmonic spacing of a center-fed dipole). One antenna is for 80/40/20/10 meters, and the other is for 30/15 meters. The one Watt signals on the six transmit frequencies have been received by every known FST4W-120 receiver on the planet:

Prototype #2 has also been running, using my site near Bodega Bay, California:

This one is driving a single OCF Dipole designed for 40/20/10 meters. I am also connecting an 80 meter transmit channel to this antenna — a *very* lousy match, but it is still being received far and wide. You may be wondering about the module sitting on the saucer; rather than use a GPSDO at this location I decided to use a cheap surplus 10 MHz OCXO for the reference clock. You can also see the four-band filter/combiner connected between the BeaconBlaster and the SWR meter (and then the antenna). Here’s a typical day’s propagation for this one:

These propagation charts may not look very impressive when you compare them do typical WSPR reports, but remember, there are actually very few FST4W receiver sites in operation. Work is being done to upgrade WSPR signal monitoring software, but for now FST4W is really the only game in town for collecting accurate Doppler spreading data needed for atmospheric propagation research. Anticipating upcoming WSPR upgrades, the BeaconBlaster will be WSPR-capable very soon.

So progress is being made. Enough subassembly boards are available to build a few more units, and more boards are on the way. The new chassis should look a bit more professional as well. Full details will be coming soon (I promise!)

Meet the BeaconBlaster-6

So what is a BeaconBlaster-6??? It’s a six-channel transmitter, putting out one Watt FSK on up to six channels — simultaneously! The BB6 supports all ham channels from 160 meters to six meters, with extremely precise frequency, FSK shift. and channel timing when provided with an external 10 MHz reference clock.

The initial release of the BB6 generates FST4W-120 signals, but WSPR and other FST4W rates will be supported very soon.

The BB6 was developed to meet the needs of the HamSci community (see and for more information), and is particularly useful in the study of the ionosphere. Of course the BB6 is also a great solution for general beacon activity.

The BB6 is available as individual components, or assembled and housed in a 19″ rack-unit enclosure, 1RU in height (1.75″ high, 19″ wide, 9.5″ deep). We’re still working out the mechanical details, but here is a mock-up of the faceplate:

Like most things out of Turn Island Systems, the BB6 evolved from designs initially developed for our own use. Here are the pieces of the BeaconBlaster-6:

BB6 Control / Clock Generator

This unit is an offshoot of our TIS-5351 ClockBox, which was developed to provide precise digital clocks, and is based on the ubiquitous Si5351 clock generator. Turning this into the BB6 CCG involved adding a second Si5351 (this required multiplexing the I2C control bus), and adding a GPS module to the board. The board also includes a GPS antenna splitter, allowing a single active antenna to be shared with both the BB6 and an external GPSDO. The SMA connectors shown here are for stand-alone operation, when incorporated in the complete BB6 these connections will be made using the tiny “U.FL” connectors

Inputs: +5V power, USB, Active GPS antenna, 10 MHz reference clock.

Outputs: Six transmitter-drivers (3.3V logic-level), GPS antenna splitter

The USB port is used to configure and monitor the BB6 operation, but is not required for regular stand-alone operation.

Digital One-Watt Amplifier

The DOW accepts a 3.3V logic-level signal from 1 to 30 MHz and generates a 1W square-wave. It requires a +5V and draws approximately 350mA when transmitting. This is a broadband Class-D amplifier, and will require an external filter before connecting to an antenna.

The DOW is the latest of several QRP amplifiers we have designed. Some of these were optimized for efficiency — these were single-band Class-D or Class-E designs. For the multiband frequency-flexible BB6 system it makes more sense to have frequency-flexible power stages and use external filters.

This amplifier is designed for a 50 Ohm load, and if connected to a load less than 25 Ohms will get quite hot. To avoid damage to the amplifier, a current-limited power source is recommended. The BB6 system includes such a limiter.

The BB6 includes six of these amplifiers.

Six-Channel Foldback Current-Limiter

This board provides overload protection for the Digital One-Watt Amplifiers.

Four-Band Power Combiner

With up to six outputs from the BB6, the 4BC will accept 1W inputs at 80, 40, 20, and 10-meters and combine them onto a single output, allowing use of a multi-band antenna. The 4BC insertion loss is <1dB and provides filtering which reduces the harmonic content to less than -40dBc.

Single-Channel Filter

The Single-Channel Filter is available for any ham band between 80 and 10 meters. This design provides a out-of-band high-impedance load, which optimizes amplifier efficiency, and reduces harmonic content to better than -40dBc.

Price and Availability

The complete and assembled BeaconBlaster-6 will cost approximately $700 (plus shipping), and should be available early August 2023.

The assembled Four-Band Power Combiner will cost about $70, and be available early August 2023.

Individual board price and availability are TBD. All prices are subject to change .