Beacon Blaster 6 errata

My apologies, but the help file for the “Schedule” command is in error.  Here is the corrected one:

Schedule [channel] [transmit slot] [sequence length] ([morse ID interval]) 
channel: 1-6
transmit slot : transmit on slot # 
sequence length : repeat every # timeslots 
morse ID interval : send morse ID rather than beacon every # transmissions. 
Sched 1 1 1 : channel 1, transmit every timeslot. 
Sched 1 1 2 : channel 1, transmit every two timeslots, starting with timeslot 1. 
Sched 6 3 3 : channel 6, transmit every three timeslots, starting with timeslot 3. 
Sched 4 1 1 5 : channel 4, transmit every timeslot, sending morse message every five transmissions.