There are several prototype versions of the 9BFC in operation, and they work just fine when connected to a decent multiband antenna.
BUT – when connected to a high SWR antenna (as is sometimes necessary in the field) the internal surface mount inductors can get disturbingly warm. The prototype 9BFC used a mix of surface mount and toroid inductors.
So, I am announcing the brand new all-toroid version of the 9BFC!
The 9BFC covers the 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 10 and 6-meter ham bands. This design has demonstrated its resilience and performance under all load conditions, and so has become the production version of the 9BFC.
I’ve been trying to avoid this one because winding and adjusting all those toroids is tedious and time-consuming, but this thing just makes so much sense that I had to do it. The Nine-Band Filter-Combiner (9BFC) is yet another filter-combiner for use with the WSPRSONDE and other QRP transmitters, and it allows a single multi-band antenna to be driven by multiple transmitters. It combines inputs on 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, and 6 meter ham bands. You don’t have to use all the inputs; leaving any unused ones unconnected is just fine.
The 9BFC design is quite a bit more critical than the previous 6-band combiner, as the added 17 and 12 meter bands are extremely close to the 20, 15, and 10 meter bands. This tight spacing requires rather narrow filter passbands, and there is always a tradeoff between filter bandwidth, inductor “Q”, and filter loss. In order to keep the 9BFC loss to a reasonable level, commercially-available surface-mount inductors as used in the 6BFC are not adequate for these five closely-spaced bands. Instead, I am using iron-powder toroids (T50-6 variety) for those frequencies. The 80, 40, 30, and 6 meter filters do use surface-mount inductors.
Not only are these toroids tedious to wind, but the inductance of each of the ten toroids must be carefully adjusted to provide the proper filter shape and impedance match. Adjustment is done by spreading or compressing the windings while observing the filter response with a Vector Network Analyzer — this process requires some iteration since each channel has two toroids and they do interact. Once adjustments are complete the windings are secured with fingernail polish.
Of course, your antenna has to support the bands in use. When using the eight-output WSPRSONDE and the EFHW-8010 (end-fed half wave, 80-10 meters, from I am using all the 9BFC inputs but the 6 meter port. It works quite well (my two WSPRSONDE locations are shown here, Friday Harbor WA, and Occidental CA). I have a separate 6-meter antenna for the Occidental site.
It’s alive!!! The new WSPRSONDE v2 WSPR/FST4W multichannel transmitters are rolling off the Turn Island Systems assembly line:
There are a few changes from the previous batch of WSPRSONDEs:
Smaller chassis, customized for Turn Island Systems.
Software control of output power: 1W or 250mW
There are a few other minor changes on the circuit board — things like Board Revision ID, allowing for future forward and backward compatibility.
But the WS-v2 is otherwise identical to the units that have been deployed on at least 2-1/2 continents. It continues to generate the clean, precise, and stable signals so necessary for accurate measurement of ionospheric propagation effects.
Along with this new hardware release comes updated WS firmware, with new features and options.
This has been in the works for a while now, and I am very pleased with the finished product!
If you are interested in some details of the WS-v2 assembly process, here is a short video of the Turn Island Systems CNC mill preparing a blank aluminum faceplate for the WS.
While there are different ways to distribute high-quality reference-clocks to multiple receivers and transmitters, or to general lab equipment, perhaps the best and easiest is with a Clock Distribution Buffer. The TIS-126 has been designed for this job:
This unit can send a square-wave clock to six output ports. Input and output are 50 Ohm impedance, and the frequency range is from 100 KHz to 100 MHz (and down to under 1 Hz in many cases). The input level can range from -20 dBm to +20 dBm.
This has been in use for a while, combining the multiple outputs of the Beacon Blaster and WSPRSONDE onto one SMA jack, allowing the use of a single antenna. The results have been excellent, so this box is now on the Turn Island Systems website, available for purchase:
Applications for the Filter-Combiner are not limited to the WSPRSONDE. Some have used this to combine the outputs of other QRP (1W or less) transmitters. One person is using the Filter-Combiner in reverse as a general preselector, sending the output of a single multiband antenna to several narrow-band SDR receivers (reducing overload from out-of-band signals).
What about eight bands? I glad you asked that question! Fitting additional bands into the combiner has proven to be a major challenge. A 160 meter port can’t be implemented using available (inexpensive) components — too much inductor loss. Squeezing the 17 and 12 meter bands into the gaps between 20, 15, and 10 meters also requires inductor tolerance and loss well beyond that of readily-available parts. However, if there is demand for it a future combiner could include a 6-meter port.
But single-channel filters can be provided for those “oddball” frequencies.
Announcing the next stage in Beacon Blaster evolution: The WSPRSONDE 8!
This is still in development, but the initial prototypes look very promising. Similar in many ways to the BB-6, this has the same type of frequency-flexible 1W Digital (square wave) outputs, the same GPS and 10 MHz clock reference inputs, 9-24VDC input, and USB configuration port. The WSPRSONDE-8 supports both WSPR and FST4W-120 modes.
Spurious output levels greatly reduced. The BB-6 was designed to meet a spurious output level of -40dBc or better. The WSPRSONDE-8 uses a different modulation technique to provide close-in spurs typically better than -90dBc
A single-board design that eliminates the many subassemblies and interconnections inside the BB-6. This is a rugged system.
The WSPRSOND-8 provides ultimate frequency accuracy and stability limited only by the external 10 MHz reference.
WSPRSONDE-8 shown with 6-band filter/combiner and Bodnar GPSDOClose-in spurious typically better than -90dBc (20-meters shown here, spurs -96dBc)Using the 6-band filter/combiner, the harmonic outputs are typically better than -60 dBc (20 meter output shown here)