Category Archives: RX-888

SDR Dynamic Range and New Filter Development

Over on my blog I have posted about SDR dynamic range and some related Turn Island Systems products that are in the early prototype stage: a Filter-Preamp with a 60 MHz antialias filter optimized for 88-108 MHz FM broadcast band rejection, and a completely new multiband receive filter-bank which (in many cases) will reduce MW and SW broadcast band overload . I hope to have these fine-tuned and available very soon!

I invite you to participate in the development discussion:

SDR Dynamic Range and New Filters

Postings on Turn Island forum

I am starting discussions of our existing products and new developments, and invite you to participate:

The forum has been quiet for some time, but it’s a good place to make comments, suggestions, critiques, and anything else even slightly related to Turn Island Systems.

And if you have one of our RX-888 Clock Adaptors (now available from TAPR), please share your experience with it — good or bad.