Category Archives: New Stuff

The WSPRSONDE v2 is here!

It’s alive!!! The new WSPRSONDE v2 WSPR/FST4W multichannel transmitters are rolling off the Turn Island Systems assembly line:

There are a few changes from the previous batch of WSPRSONDEs:

  • Smaller chassis, customized for Turn Island Systems.
  • Software control of output power: 1W or 250mW

There are a few other minor changes on the circuit board — things like Board Revision ID, allowing for future forward and backward compatibility.

But the WS-v2 is otherwise identical to the units that have been deployed on at least 2-1/2 continents. It continues to generate the clean, precise, and stable signals so necessary for accurate measurement of ionospheric propagation effects.

Along with this new hardware release comes updated WS firmware, with new features and options.

This has been in the works for a while now, and I am very pleased with the finished product!

If you are interested in some details of the WS-v2 assembly process, here is a short video of the Turn Island Systems CNC mill preparing a blank aluminum faceplate for the WS.

Postings on Turn Island forum

I am starting discussions of our existing products and new developments, and invite you to participate:

The forum has been quiet for some time, but it’s a good place to make comments, suggestions, critiques, and anything else even slightly related to Turn Island Systems.

And if you have one of our RX-888 Clock Adaptors (now available from TAPR), please share your experience with it — good or bad.