If the Beacon Blaster 6 is to be used with a receiver on a shared antenna, an external Transmit/Receive switch will be required. Some T/R switches provide automatic sensing that switches modes when the transmitter starts. This can work well, especially given the relatively low-power output of the BB-6.
But there are advantages to an externally-controlled switch, usually driven by the “PTT” output of the transmitter (this is often an “RCA” or phono jack.) This output is generally a contact-closure (relay or transistor) to ground, which connects during transmit.
The BB-6 T/R Switch Interface provides this control signal. Installation will require that a 10mm (or 3/8”) hole be drilled in the BB-6 rear panel, and the attached control wires be plugged onto an existing header on the BB-6 control board.
BB-6 firmware version 2.4.0 or later is required.
The T/R Switch Interface is offered free of charge to all owners of the BB-6, so please let me know if you want one.
More details here:
(the image above shows a 1/4W resistor where a small surface-mount resistor should be. Turns out I didn’t have the proper value on-hand when building the test unit.)