The WSPRSONDE v2 is here!

It’s alive!!! The new WSPRSONDE v2 WSPR/FST4W multichannel transmitters are rolling off the Turn Island Systems assembly line:

There are a few changes from the previous batch of WSPRSONDEs:

  • Smaller chassis, customized for Turn Island Systems.
  • Software control of output power: 1W or 250mW

There are a few other minor changes on the circuit board — things like Board Revision ID, allowing for future forward and backward compatibility.

But the WS-v2 is otherwise identical to the units that have been deployed on at least 2-1/2 continents. It continues to generate the clean, precise, and stable signals so necessary for accurate measurement of ionospheric propagation effects.

Along with this new hardware release comes updated WS firmware, with new features and options.

This has been in the works for a while now, and I am very pleased with the finished product!

If you are interested in some details of the WS-v2 assembly process, here is a short video of the Turn Island Systems CNC mill preparing a blank aluminum faceplate for the WS.

Postings on Turn Island forum

I am starting discussions of our existing products and new developments, and invite you to participate:

The forum has been quiet for some time, but it’s a good place to make comments, suggestions, critiques, and anything else even slightly related to Turn Island Systems.

And if you have one of our RX-888 Clock Adaptors (now available from TAPR), please share your experience with it — good or bad.


Update: Same board, brand new enclosure! Now available in limited quantities.

The SDR front-end filter-preamp is now available. This design takes the previous passive Shelf+Low-Pass filter design and adds a preamp at the output. This will improve the performance of most wideband SDR receivers.

Specifications: Filter-Preamp-v1-rev-2.pdf

To order: filter-preamp

I was recently asked about the filter-preamp, and wrote this in response:

The filter is useful when using a wide-band SDR such as the RX-888, since there is always the challenge of managing dynamic range in an SDR.  The RX-888 has a 16-bit Analog to Digital Converter at the input (and some other SDRs use 12 or even 8 bits).  A 16-bit ADC provides a dynamic range of about 96dB, and the signal-strength levels at the antenna can often exceed this range.  A little bit of overload isn’t fatal, but too much will result is significant distortion and reduce the receiver performance.  If you reduce the input gain to minimize the overloading signals then you will not be able to receive the weaker signals.

This dynamic range problem tends to have a frequency dimension as well.  In the USA, we have the AM broadcast band (540 – 1700 KHz), and these are often the strongest signals seen at the receiver input.  In addition, the regular atmospheric noise is stronger at lower frequencies, so receiver gain is usually not helpful at the lower end of the HF spectrum.

In Europe, the AM broadcast stations are spread across the entire HF spectrum, and mitigating the overload problems caused by these is a much tougher problem!

Note that traditional receivers, having band-filters and preselectors at the input are less prone to this overload, as they only have to work with a relatively narrow slice of the spectrum at any given time.  The RX-888 is continuously receiving the full spectrum, from the KHz region up to 30 MHz (or 60 MHz).  Also, with the wideband SDR we usually use a wideband (or multi-band) antenna, which doesn’t help the overload situation.

Also, the SDR, being a sampling receiver has an issue with “aliasing”, where signals higher in frequency than 1/2 the sample-clock frequency will be aliased down in frequency and appear as an interfering signal in the receiver range of interest (see “Nyquist Frequency” for details.)  Most SDRs have an input filter that attenuates these frequencies above the Nyquist rate, but with the RX-888 we usually run the sample clock at about 66 MHz (half the maximum)  The RS-888 internal filter is designed for the faster sample-clock, and so provides no attenuation for signals in the 30-60 MHz range.

So, what to do?  The filter I provide has two sections:  The low-frequency “shelf” filter, and a high-frequency anit-alias filter.  The shelf filter provides a gradual and limited attenuation increase through the HF band (more attenuation at low frequencies), which compensates for atmospheric noise levels and provides significant attenuation of the AM broadcast band.  The shelf filter has two identical sections — usually we want both of them enabled, but in a quiet-RF location we can disable one of them for less low-frequency attenuation.

The anti-alias filter provides a sharp cutoff above 30 MHz, with over 50 dB ultimate attenuation.  This greatly reduces the aliasing problem.

These filters do add loss, and the RX-888 isn’t particularly sensitive as it has a high input noise figure.  The low-noise / high dynamic-range preamp section of the filter-preamp compensates for the filter-loss, and adds about 9dB of additional gain which improves the RX-888 small-signal sensitivity.  A few more dB gain would be nice, but that would be a different design.  The filter-preamp I have now does provide a noticeable performance improvement in most cases. 

Near Friday Harbor (home of Turn Island Systems) we have a RX-888 receiver in a fairly quiet location. Before the filter-preamp was added the AM broadcast stations were the dominant signals and we had to reduce receiver gain to avoid overload.  The filter did a good job of equalizing (average) signal strengths across the full HF range.

RX-888 Clock Adaptor Kit

The RX-888 adaptor kit is now available directly from TAPR:

If you are not familiar with TAPR, this brief introduction comes from their website:

TAPR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization of amateur radio (“ham”) operators who are interested in advancing the state of the radio art.  The initials stand for “Tucson Amateur Packet Radio” but today the organization is much broader than that: we long ago became an international organization, and while we still support packet radio our areas of interest have expanded to include software defined radio,  advanced digital modulation methods, and precise time and frequency measurement.

Turn Island Systems is proud to be associated with the good people of TAPR.

TIS-126 Clock Distribution Buffer

While there are different ways to distribute high-quality reference-clocks to multiple receivers and transmitters, or to general lab equipment, perhaps the best and easiest is with a Clock Distribution Buffer. The TIS-126 has been designed for this job:

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This unit can send a square-wave clock to six output ports. Input and output are 50 Ohm impedance, and the frequency range is from 100 KHz to 100 MHz (and down to under 1 Hz in many cases). The input level can range from -20 dBm to +20 dBm.

For details, see the product link: TIS-126

Six Band Filter-Combiner

This has been in use for a while, combining the multiple outputs of the Beacon Blaster and WSPRSONDE onto one SMA jack, allowing the use of a single antenna. The results have been excellent, so this box is now on the Turn Island Systems website, available for purchase:

Six Band Filter-Combiner

A product manual is available, as well as a general discussion of the filter-combiner concept.

Applications for the Filter-Combiner are not limited to the WSPRSONDE. Some have used this to combine the outputs of other QRP (1W or less) transmitters. One person is using the Filter-Combiner in reverse as a general preselector, sending the output of a single multiband antenna to several narrow-band SDR receivers (reducing overload from out-of-band signals).

What about eight bands? I glad you asked that question! Fitting additional bands into the combiner has proven to be a major challenge. A 160 meter port can’t be implemented using available (inexpensive) components — too much inductor loss. Squeezing the 17 and 12 meter bands into the gaps between 20, 15, and 10 meters also requires inductor tolerance and loss well beyond that of readily-available parts. However, if there is demand for it a future combiner could include a 6-meter port.

But single-channel filters can be provided for those “oddball” frequencies.

RX888 External Clock Interface Kit

As you may know, the powerful RX888 SDR receiver is truly a game-changer — especially when used in conjunction with ka9q-radio and wsprdaemon software. This combination provides full HF-band coverage and analysis — much more than I can go into here.

But to obtain the desired frequency accuracy and stability necessary for serious propagation analysis the RX888 does need an external 27 MHz reference clock. Fortunately, the receiver provides a small “U.FL” connector on the board, allowing easy interface to the clock circuitry. However, it’s not as simple as connecting the output of a GPSDO (typically a Bodnar, or the upcoming TAPR reference). The RX888 clock input does not provide a 50 Ohm termination, and requires an AC-coupled reference of around 1V P-P. What is needed at this interface is a DC-block, an attenuator, and a termination.

Rather than string together a bunch of little adaptors, we (Turn Island Systems and TAPR) have come up a single-board solution, as well as a replacement back-panel (so you don’t have to drill a hole in the existing panel for an SMA jack), and a short U.FL jumper cable.

That SMA plug on the right-hand side of the adaptor is not installed for the “Inside the RX888” configuration, but the footprint is there so this board can be used as an external adaptor.

As you can see, the circuit is quite simple. Here’s the schematic:

And it’s pretty easy to cobble together an interface board yourself. Here’s my first attempt, which has been in operation for about a month now. This one isn’t exactly the same (it’s missing one capacitor and the attenuator values are slightly different):

I usually do my prototyping with surface-mount components, but for old-times sake I decided to use my old stash of through-hole parts on this. I’m waiting for delivery of the assembled boards, but if all goes as planned these kits should be available by the end of April.

If you want to use off-the-shelf components to interface between a Bodnar GPSDO and the RX888, I recommend inserting a DC-block at the RX888 external clock jack, followed by a 10 dB attenuator (the links are to probably-OK parts, I haven’t tried these particular ones myself). The attenuator reduces the output of the Bodnar to a more appropriate level, and provides a “good enough” termination at the RX888. Since the board-end of the internal jumper cable is unterminated the 10dB attenuator only provides about 8 dB of attenuation, and this is fine. The attenuator also provides a compromise termination to both the cable from the GPSDO and to the internal jumper.

Here is a good description of the do-it-yourself external clock modification to the RX888:

Note that since Glenn wrote this we have discovered that the coupling / DC-block capacitor is desirable. Also, Glenn has included a switch that allows you to enable/disable the RX888 internal clock. Many of us are not bothering with the switch, but just pulling the internal “enable” jumper clip.

And here is another excellent post from KA7OEI that discusses the RX888 External Clock issue in good detail: mk2.html